European Valuer

Latest edition of European Value

Dear Colleagues,

You will recently have received the latest edition of European Valuer which included on its front page a summary of an academic paper titled "Statistics in the Context of Economic Theory and the Limits of Automated Valuation Models in the Valuation of Individual Properties" by Professor Ewa Kucharska-Stasiak. I now have pleasure in attaching the full paper which I am sure you will enjoy reading.

This ground breaking publication tackles the inadequacies of statistical methods of valuation and AVMs head on and is sure to provoke much welcome debate about the essence of valuation work.

With kind regards,

Krzysztof Grzesik REV
Chairman of the Board of TEGoVA

dodano: Poniedziałek, 07/05/2018 18:00

ostatnia aktualizacja: Poniedziałek, 07/05/2018 18:06

Kodeks Etyki Zawodowej
Rzeczoznawców Majątkowych

Rzeczoznawca Majątkowy
Czasopismo PFSRM

Europejskie Standardy Wyceny
edycja 9-2020

System uznania zawodowego rzeczoznawców majątkowych REV

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Spis treści kwartalnika
"Rzeczoznawca Majątkowy"
nr 1-108

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